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Design Elements Final review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You only have one type of cone, or you have no cone function at all means you would have what kind of color blindness?
If you have this type of color blindness, you might confuse dark brown with dark shades of other colors, including green, red or orange.
If you have this type of color blindness, you might confuse dark brown with dark shades of other colors, including green, red or orange.
TRUE OR FALSE: Fabrics such as velvets and silks provide a richness to lighter spaces.
What type of fabrics tend to absorb light and will make a color look warmer ?
Terms for red, green, yellow, and blue are part of almost every language except what?
Biological, Cultural and Personal are the three ways people respond to what?
TRUE OR FALSE: As much as 70 percent of our sensatory perception is determined by sight,
FALSE (80%)
TRUE OR FALSE: Light can be reflected and absorbed
What is it the term for whether the words we know and the language we learn, influence the way we interpret the world?
Linguistic Relativism
TRUE OR FALSE: People respond to color in three ways—biologically (e.g., red = fear), culturally (e.g., red = wellbeing in many Eastern societies) and personally from experience.
Humans perceive depth because ...
we have two eyes.
Whats the most common form of blindness?
red-green color
What is the Blue-Yellow Color blindness called?
Being able to see all colors on the visible spectrum of light in the traditional way is called...
Full-color vision
Which cone perceives short wavelengths?
S cones or Blue sensing cones
What is having trouble seeing the difference between certain colors or shades, or perceiving the brightness of colors.
Color Blindness
TRUE OR FALSE: a small amount of a cool color on a warm background is usually considered to be more pleasing visually than its opposite
Which type of bulb provide warm light and make warm colors appear more tense, while cooler colors more dull
Incandescent Bulbs
What can naturally enhance the features of a room?