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(4A) 2023 Grammar Unit9-12 review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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( using will ) Who are you going to talk to on the phone?
Who will you talk to on the phone?
( using be going to ) Tom will not go to the station tonight.
Tom isn't going to go to the station tonight.
( using will ) Where are you going to go next week?
Where will you go next week?
( using be going to ) What will she eat later?
What is she going to eat later?
( using be going to ) Will you be at the gym tomorrow morning?
Are you going to be at the gym tomorrow morning?
( using be going to ) You will not study at the library.
You are not going to study at the library.
( using be going to ) They will go to school in five minutes.
They are going to go to school in five minutes.
( using be going to ) Will Jane eat lunch with us?
Is Jane going to eat lunch with us?
( using be going to ) David will become a dentist.
David is going to become a dentist.
( using will ) Jay joins the soccer team.
Jay will join the soccer team.
( using will ) Emily misses her husband.
Emily will miss her husband.
( using will ) Emily misses her husband.
Emily will miss her husband.
( using will ) It is cold.
It will be cold.
( using will ) They go to math class.
They will go to math class.
( using will ) Mr. Smith taught us.
Mr. Smith will teach us.
( using will ) My car is dirty.
My car will be dirty.
( using will ) He is a teacher.
He will be a teacher.
( Where / What ) were they sitting? They were sitting on the bench.
( What / Where ) are you going now? We are going to the zoo.
( Who / What ) were they? They were Sam's friends.
( Where / What ) was the little girl hiding? She was hiding in the closet.
( What / Where ) did the people have dinner? They had dinner at a restaurant.
( What / How ) was the movie? It was Fast and Furious 10.
( past continuous ) The man _____ ________ home. (drive)
was / driving
( past continuous ) _______ the child _________ her hands? (wash)
Was / washing
( past continuous ) _______ she _______ a yellow dress? (wear)
Was / wearing
( past continuous ) The eagle _________ around the mountain. (fly)
was flying
The train ________ at the station. (stop)
The train stopped at the station.
I ______ an e-mail to Sally. (write)
I wrote an e-mail to Sally.
He _______ on his T-shirt. (try)
He tried on his new T-shirt.
The family ______ to Taipei. (go)
The family went to Taipei.
The bus _______ late this morning. (arrive)
The bus arrived late this morning.
She _______ her baby. (hug)
She hugged her baby.
(negative) She gave her a book.
She didn't give her a book.
(negative) We met at the park.
We didn't meet at the park.
(negative) You did your homework.
You didn't do your homework.
(negative) Tim visited his grandma.
Tim didn't visit his grandma.
(negative) We ate pizza.
We didn't eat pizza.