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digestive system/food groups
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Yogurt is in the ___________ food group.
Rice is in the _________ food group.
The sun is a source of vitamin _______ .
________ is the mineral your mom might give you when you start to get sick.
The 4 essential vitamins your body needs are ____________.
vitamins A, B, C, and D
This digestive organ helps the body regulate insulin to maintain the proper levels of blood sugar.
the pancreas
Sugars and fats should be less than _____ of your daily diet.
List the 5 food groups.
Fats/ Sugars, Dairy, Carbohydrates, Fruits and Veggies, and Protein
Protein is an important nutrient ____________ .
to build and repair our bodies.
The large intestine is the part of the digestive _________ .
where water is absorbed from waste
The ____________ is the digestive organ directly about the stomach.
60% of our nutrients come from ________ .
The small intestine is the part of the digestive system ____________ .
where nutrients are absorbed into the body
Strawberries are in the _________ food group.
fruits and vegetables
Fish is in the __________ food group.
The purpose of the salivary glands is to ________ .
make food soft with a fluid.
Yogurt is in the ___________ food group.
The muscular tube which food travels from the mouth to the stomach.
spell this word
The purpose of the digestive system ___________ .
is to break down food so it can be utilized by your body.
Sugars and fats should be less than _______ of your daily diet.
The liver is _____________ .
a large organ that produces bile, which helps to digest fats and vitamins
Bread is found in the ___________ food group..
Bananas are found in the __________ food group.
fruits and vegetables
The _______ food group requires the most servings per day.
fruits and vegetables
Cereal is in the _________ food group.
True or False. The mouth is part of the digestive system.
What digestive organ is this?
What is the final part of the digestive system?