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Academy Awards

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This actor won an Academy award for best actor.
Will Smith
Who is this best actress from the movie Titanic?
Kate Winslet
This actor played Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story.
Tim Allen
The Oscar is a gold statue.
What is the name of this Oscar winner?
Toy Story 4
What is the name of this host of the Academy Awards?
Chris Rock
What song from this movie won best music?
"Let It Go"
What is the name of this best actor Oscar winner?
Tom Hanks
What is the name of this movie winner for best picture?
Raiders of the Lost Ark
What is the name of this movie winner for best picture?
What is the name of this movie winner for best picture?
Mary Poppins
The host of the Academy Awards gives the Oscar to the winner.
One of the categories for an Oscar is best fancy gown.
Women wear fancy gowns to the Academy Awards.
People who go to the Oscars wear blue jeans and shorts.
Actors, actress and famous people walk the red carpet on Academy Awards Night.
Two movies get Oscars for best picture.
The actress with the most votes wins the Oscar for best actress.
The Academy votes on who is the best actor.
The Academy is a group of people who know what makes a good movie.