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Clothes & Accessories

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
This is a swimsuit.
What is this?
This is an anklet
What are these?
They are mittens.
What is this?
This is a t-shirt
What are these?
These are trousers
What is this?
This is a tie
What are these?
They are swimsuits
What is this?
This is a hoodie
What are these?
These are sunglasses
What is this?
This is a suit
What are these?
These are socks
What are these?
These are sneakers
What is this?
This is a skirt
What are these?
These are shorts
What are these?
These are shoes
What is this?
This is a shirt
What is this?
This is a scarf
What are these?
These are sandals
What are these?
These are rings
What is this?
This is a raincoat
What are these?
These are overalls
What is it?
This is a necklace
What are these?
These are leggings
What is this?
This is a jumper
What is it?
This is a jacket
What are these?
These are high heels
What are these?
These are hats
What are these?
These are gloves
What are these?
These are glasses
What are these?
These are earrings
What is this?
This is a dress
What is this?
This is a costume
What is this?
This is a coat
What are these?
These are caps
What is it?
This is a bracelet
What are these?
These are boots
What are these?
These are belts
What is it?
It is a bag