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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Maria as the registered of the account calls in advising that she has a production issue due to HUB. What would be the best case to create in this scenario?
None, Maria is a registered in the account.
If a customer states that she would like to authorize her husband to handle the HT case, what would be a great parctice on this scenario?
Account maintenance. Verify if the husband is already listed as a contact.
Account Maintenance also includes having the must up to date phone number for our customer. What two pages are used to ensure this?
Contact and Account page
Is the SSN or DOB necessary for our customers to access the My Sunnova portal?
No, this is no longer required.
Can a registered customer authorize to have a new contact added to the account?
No, only a primary or a secondary of the account can authorize to have a new contact added to the account.
What page is used to view if the customer has any OB or cases recently created or closed?
System page
What page is used to view the number of calls and past interaction with the customer?
Account page- Activity History
Inquiries regarding new service for retrofit batteries
New Sales- Inside Sales
Customer calling in to have their panels washed. What would be the best disposition?
The customer calls in because he is selling his house and needs information on what he has to do with Sunnova. Tier 1 agent gave the customer an overview of the process.
Home Transfer
What is a good practice for each and every call? (in General)
Account Maintenance
What is required for a customer to access My Sunnova when the customer is signing in?
System ID & Salesforce email (primary email)
Customer calls in because he/she wants information in regards to Sunnova protect Plan. What would be the best disposition
New Sales- Inside Sales