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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with WISH + SIMPLE PAST: You don’t have Internet access.
I wish I had Internet access.
Make a sentence with WISH + SIMPLE PAST: Your best friend isn’t here.
I wish my best friend was/were here.
Make a sentence with WISH + SIMPLE PAST: You don’t have any coffee.
I wish I had coffee.
Make a sentence with IF ONLY: You can’t sing.
IF ONLY I sang well.
Make a sentence with IF ONLY: You are not tall enough.
IF ONLY I was tall enough.
Make a sentence with IF ONLY: You don’t live in a hot country.
IF ONLY I lived in a hot country.
Look at the picture and MAKE A SENTENCE based in it. Use the SECOND CONDITIONAL.
Complete the sentece: I would dance all night long, if...
Complete the sentence: I would speak English fluently, if...
Complete the sentence: I would travel the world, if...
Look at the picture and MAKE A SENTENCE based in it. Use the SECOND CONDITIONAL.
Look at the picture and MAKE A SENTENCE based in it. Use the SECOND CONDITIONAL.
Look at the picture and MAKE A SENTENCE based in it. Use the SECOND CONDITIONAL.
Look at the picture and MAKE A SENTENCE based in it. Use the SECOND CONDITIONAL.
I have read a lot of great comic books! Can you reccomend another comic books to read?
I have read a lot of great comic books! Can you reccomend other comic books to read?
I forgot my case, can I lend a pencil and an eraser, please?
I forgot my case, can I BORROW a pencil and an eraser, please?
Nick works in a daycare, he always says he loves working with childs.
Nick works in a daycare, he always says he loves working with CHILDREN.
I just got a job offer, so I called my mother to advice me. I think it's important to get her advise before making a decision.
I just got a job offer, so I called my mother to ADVISE me. I think it's important to get her ADVICE before making a decision.