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Past Perfect and Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They had finished answering the questions _______the bell rang.
The children had wated TV _______an hour.
Mrs.Reid ________ (work) for the company for 30 years when she got retired last year.
had worked
After I __________________ a large meal, I __________________ to feel sick. (have, start)
had had/ started
_________you ever seen a ghost?
When Matthew arrived at home , his wife ________ (cook) the meal.
had cooked
Alice had been married _______March 2nd.
She had lived here _______ twenty years.
I _______(open)my handbag to find that I _______(forget) my credit card.
opened/had forgetten
Last year Juan _________(pass) all his exams.
________the students had studied English , they presented in front of the classroom.
I've worked at the Languages School ________2000.
I'd _________finished the cake, so it was still hot.
Have you_______been in America?
After the alarm had rung, he ________.(wake up)
woke up
John slipped on the ice after he________(cross) he street in front of the house.
had crossed
Nancy ________(not want) to go with us because she had been sick.
didn't want
I was working in the basement and I __________the phone. (not hear)
hadn't heard
The blue car___________(cross)the street after the lights _________(turn)red.
crossed - had turned
Daniel _________( not understand) the homework because he hadn't heard to the teacher.
didn't understood
By the time we ____(arrive), everyone had left.