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Vocabulary YL6+
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I’m a very ______________ person. I really like to try exciting new things. a. adventurous b. kind c. curious
Don’t eat those berries. I think they are _____________. a. not ripe b. dirty c. poisonous
It’s ______________ to go scuba diving alone. Always dive in pairs or groups. a. danger b. dangerous c. safe
She is a very ______________ actor. Everyone knows her. a. cute b. famous c. fame
The scuba diver explored the colorful__________underwater. a. coral reefs b. sharks c. islands
Coral reefs
The search and rescue helicopter pilot flies high in the sky, looking for people who are lost or in_____. a. safety b. danger c. equipment
The miner digs deep underground to find valuable minerals like......... and gold. a. Mine b. Coal c. Drug
The...........protects our country and helps keep us safe. a. Gangster c. Soldier c. Artist
There are many ________________ uses for this new machine. a. coal b. potential c. running
My sister is a medical ______________. She studies rare diseases. a. researcher b. explorer c. student
The lap _____________ is heavy. Can you help me carry it? a. room b. machine c. equipment
Professional soccer players _____________ very hard before matches. a. play b. researcher c. train
My brother is very ______________ to be a firefighter. a. happiness b. proud c. dangerous
I don’t want to work in a(n) ____________ location. a. remote b. danger c. safe