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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would live abroad as long as………………………………..................
If I had enough money……………………………….........
Supposing I was in charge of a business that was struggling………………..
If I had some extra money to help out a charity…………………………….
As long ____ he lives in that house, I'm not going back there.
Should ___ happen to be in Rome, you should call my sister.
If _____ I had listened to her advice!
You can use my phone provided that you ____ speak for long.
If it hadn't been ____ the weather, we would have a wonderful holiday.
Supposing they (offer) her the job, would she (accept) it?
Supposing they OFFERED her the job, would she ACCEPTED it?
Should you happen (be) in Oxford, you (come) and stay.
Should you happen TO BE in Oxford, you SHOULD/MUST COME and stay.
Unless Elon (change) his strategy, the business (go) bankrupt.
Unless Elon CHANGES his strategy, the business 'LL/WILL GO bankrupt.
If only they (call) ten minutes earlier, we (cancel) the order.
If only they 'D/HAD CALLED ten minutes earlier, we WOULD'VE CANCELED the order.
Provided that she (have) all the right injections, she (be) fine.
Provided that she HAS all the right injections, she WILL BE/SHOULD BE fine.
If you (listen) carefully to what I said, this (not happen)!
If you 'D/HAD LISTENED carefully to what I said, this WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!
If it (not be) for Jamie, we (wait) for ages.
If it HADN'T BEEN for Jamie, we WOULD'VE WAITED for ages.
I (make) some coffee if everyone (finish) eating.
I WILL MAKE some coffee if everyone HAS FINISHED/WAS FINISHED eating. / I WOULD some coffee if everyone WAS FINISHED eating.
If I (have) my car here, I (offer) you a lift.
If I HAD my car here, I 'D/WOULD OFFER you a lift.