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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There should be more women in positions of power.
Travel broadens the mind.
All politicians are the same.
Smoking should be banned in all public places.
Our environment is facing serious problems.
English is a very easy language to learn.
Social networking websites are a waste of time.
The best films ever were made a long time ago.
To be able to communicate well in a foreign language, pronunciation and vocabulary are more important than grammar.
Listening to other people speaking English is the only way I can improve my pronunciation.
A person can never be 100 per cent bilingual.
A child can learn English just by watching TV in English.
Tourists should always be able to say some basic phrases in the language of the country they are visiting.
Most young people in my country can communicate well in English.
Most people prefer to see a foreign film with subtitles than see it dubbed into their own language.
A good teacher can influence how much you enjoy a language.
The internet can help you when you're learning a language.
It doesn't matter if you make mistakes in English if people are able to understand you.
The main reason for learning English is for work.
There's not much you can do to improve your English outside the classroom.
It's never too late to be able to learn a new language.
Life offers you more opportunities if you can speak English well.
To be able to speak English well, you have to live in an English-speaking country for at least a year.
Children shouldn’t be allowed to quit school until they are 18.
Something has to be done about people who download music illegally.
People could be encouraged to stop smoking if they were more anti-smoking laws.
Movies with violent scenes shouldn’t be made.
Something must be done about speeding on freeways.
People should be fined for making noise after midnight
People shouldn’t be allowed to eat food in public transportation.
Plastic shopping bags should be banned.