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Mini-Woolworths POS Quiz

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of these is the correct order of operation?
Greet, scan, ask for bag, check for Rewards, cash or card?
Greet, scan, cash or card, ask for rewards, ask for bag?
Greet, ask for bag, scan, ask for rewards, cash or card?
Greet, scan, cash or card?
What happens if your 'till is out' at the end of your shift?
The cash inside doesn't match up with how much should be there. Can be over or under.
A customer is having a hard time finding a product and has come to you at the checkout to ask for help. How can you assist them?
Find out what they are looking for and call a staff member from that department to come assist them. You MUST NOT leave your register unless instructed to do so
Whilst scanning items, you accidentally scan a product twice. How do you fix this?
Void the item
After scanning all of their items, your customer said they changed their mind and would rather go to Coles. What do you do?
(Rage internally) Void the entire transaction with your supervisors approval.
An elderly lady has a cart full of Coke can cartons that she wants to scan. How can you assist her?
Use heavy item lookup
A customer is buying a large amount of various fruits, some have bar codes and others don't. How will you process the ones without a bar code?
By searching the Fruit & Veg menu
How do you know how much change to give back?
The screen will calculate and display the amount
When do you receive a receipt automatically?
For purchases over $30
When should you ask the customer if they have a Rewards card?
Before you ask about payment
Your POS isn't powering on. What should you do?
Confirm cable is plugged in and powered on.