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Verbs with toys

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ______ the Pokemon cards.
Play with or collect. What else can you do with Pokemon cards?
I ______ the top.
Spin. What else can you do with a top?
I ______ the jigsaw puzzle.
Build. What else can you do with a puzzle?
I ______ the soccer ball.
Kick. What else can you do with a soccer ball?
I ______ the Rubix cube.
Solve. What else can you do with a Rubix cube?
I ______ the kite.
Fly. What else can you do with a kite?
I ______ the model airplane.
Build, make or fly. What else can you do with a model airplane?
I ______ the basketball.
Bounce or throw. What else can you do with a basketball?
I ______ the baseball.
Hit or throw. What else can you do with a baseball?
I ______ the buttons on the controller.
Push. What else can you do with a controller?
I ______ my bicycle.
Ride. What else can you do with a bike?
I ______ something with Lego.
Build. What else can you do with Lego?