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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Another sport has decreased.
Another sport has lost its popularity / another sport has experience a decrease in participation
to increase + prep
to increase to / to increase by
to drop + preposition
to drop by / to drop to
Weightlifting is also has a fall in its numbers.
Weightlifting is also have / experiencing a fall in its numbers.
Participation in both yoga and running will ascend 3 million.
Participation in both yoga and running will ascend to/by 3 million.
Hiking will have slight risen.
Hiking will have slightly risen / will have experienced a light rise
It will remain stable with 13,5 million player in 2025.
It will remain stable with 13,5 million players / participants / members in 2025.
The number of people who is going to take part in hiking.
The number of people who are going to take part in hiking.
There will have a downward trend in participation.
A downward trend in participation can be seen
Hiking will slightly rise.
The number of people who / that go hiking will slightly rise.
The number of people take part in yoga.
The number of people who/that will take part in yoga.