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House and home idioms

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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home comforts
the things that make you feel comfortable at home
comfy cushions, pillows, and sofas
tasty home cooked food
a home truth
uncomfortable criticism about you
something that's true about your home
family rules
to be home and dry
to succeed at something and not expect any further problems
to get home before it starts raining
to dry your clothes
to home in on
to get closer to your target
to get closer to home
to buy a new house
to have a skeleton in the cupboard
to have an unpleasant secret
to have a skeleton in the cupboard
to have no food in the cupboard
to throw money down the drain
to waste money on something
to throw away money
to spend a lot on house repairs
everything but the kitchen sink
to take a lot of things when you go somewhere
to talk a lot
to buy a lot of things at the mall
to lead someone up the garden path
to make false promises
to show someone your garden
to take someone to your garage
to build castles in the air
to have impossible dreams or plans
to build a really big house
to build another storey on your house
on the house
to be given a free drink or meal in a restaurant or a bar
something on your house, like a chimney
To be drinking the house wine in a restaurant
to get your house in order
to sort out some problems in your life
to get your house in order
to repair your house in order to sell it
to get a foot on the housing ladder
to manage to buy your first house
to get readty to break into someone's house
to use a ladder to fix your house
to eat someone out of house and home
guests or family members who eat a lot of food
to eat the furniture
to empty the fridge
to get on like a house on fire
to get on very well with someone:
to get on very badly with someone:
to fall in love with someone:
safe as houses
very safe: “This plan is as safe as houses. It can’t fail"
difficult to get into
A place were you feel loved and safe.