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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which date was Brazil discovered?
On April 22
What do children say to get candies when it's halloween?
Trick or treat
Mention three Halloween symbols
Witches - Jack o' lantern - bats - ghosts - haunted house, etc.
When is Independence Day celebrated in Brazil?
On September 7th
Mention two important symbols of Saint Patrick's Day
Leprechaun - clover or shamrock
When is Independence Day celebrated in the United States?
On the fourth of July
When is Halloween celebrated in the United States?
It is celebrated on October 31
What does the word Halloween mean?
All Hallow's Eve - The day before all saint's day
What do people do when it's Saint Patrick's day?
They wear green clothes
When is Saint Patrick's Day celebrated in Countries where English is spoken?
On March 17th
When is THE BONFIRE NIGHT celebrated?
It's celebrated on November 5th
Where does the celebration of THE BONFIRE NIGHT take place?
In the United Kingdom
The Day of the Dead is an important celebration in Mexico. When is it celebrated?
It's celebrated on November 2nd
When is the FATHER'S DAY celebrated in the United States?
It's celebrated on the third Sunday in June
What are the symbols of THANKSGIVING DAY?
Turkey - pumpkin pie
When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in the United States?
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November
When is Valentine's Day celebrated in the United States?
It's celebrated on February 14th.