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Healthy eating habits and Present Tense Contrast

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Veggies and fruits are rich in
What are carbohydrates commonly known as?
My dad _____ (always/drink) a coffee in the morning
always drinks
Listen! A neighbour ... (cook) an omelette!
is cooking
Are fats always bad for the body?
no, fats are needed for the body to function properly
Use sequence adverbs to create your morning routine
first... second... then...
name 3 high protein food sources
fish, meat, chicken
_______ your boyfriend________ how to prepare smoothies? (know)
does / know
The diet in my country ______ worse. (get)
is getting
What is the healthiest way to meet all of your nutritional needs?
eat a variety of foods
What ______ your mother ____ ? It smells great! (make)
is / making
What are macronutrients?
Carbohydrates, fat and protein are called macronutrients
Give 5 examples of ultra-processed breakfast food
cookies, industrial pastries, sugar cereals, nutchoc cream, chocolate powder
What is organic food?
Foods which are typically not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or synthetic food additives
What is ultra-processed food?
No whole food. It refers to the food affected by different industrial processes such as: hydrogenation, additives, sweeteners, colourants, etc.Â