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Adverbs of Frequency and Health

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Put this sentence in order: goes/ to/ the gym/ my dad/ twice a week
my dad goes to the gym twice a week
Put this sentence in order: ever/ Megan/ do/ does/ yoga
Does Megan ever do yoga?
Put this sentence in order: hardly ever/ they/ basketball/ play
They hardly ever play basketball
Put this sentence in order: go / do/ often/ swimming/ how / you
How often do you go swimming?
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I lift weights at the gym (almost never)
I almost never lift weights at the gym
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I walk to school (sometimes)
Sometimes I walk to school/ I sometimes walk to school
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I go swimming. (hardly ever)
I hardly ever go swimming
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I sleep until noon on Saturdays (almost always)
I almost always sleep until noon on Saturdays
Complete with the words in parentheses: I don't exercise (very much)
I don't exercise very much
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I go jogging (once a week)
I go jogging once a week
Complete with the words in parenthesis: I run on a threadmill (everyday)
I run on a threadmill everyday
How often do you exercise?
Do you walk to school?
Yes, I (Adverb of frequency) + No, I (adverb of frequency)
Complete: Do you _______ go bike riding?
Do you exercise on Sundays?
Yes, I (Adverb of frequency) / No, I (Adverb of frequency)
Complete: Do you ____________ lift weights at the gym?
Complete: What do you ___________ do on Sunday mornings?
Do you ever play sports?
Yes, I + adverb of frequency/ No, I + adverb of frequency