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Where are they from? What language do they speak ...

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Chris hemsworth is an ________ actor. He speaks_______.
Australian; English
Demi Lovato is an_________ actress and singer. She speaks_________.
American; English
Danna Paola is a _______ actress and singer. She speaks________ and English.
Mexican; Spanish
Akira Toriyama is the creator of Dragon Ball Z. He is_________ and he speaks_________
Japanese; japanese.
Rafael Nada is a _________.tennis player. He speaks_________.
Spanish; Spanish.
Iván Torres is a __________ soccer player. He speaks _________ and Guarani.
Paraguayan; spanish.
Christiano Ronaldo is____________. He speaks_________.
Portuguese; portuguese.
Leonel Messi is________________. He speaks__________.
Argentinean; Spanish