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6Red Semester 1 2023

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many sleeps until Year 6 Camp?
Which students often check in on how Mrs Grew is going?
Anny, Olivia, Mahli, Kari, Olive
What was something new that Mrs Grew learnt this term?
How to drive a bus...the meaning of tricky words...
Which 6R students walk home to their place?
Eli and David
Which students often try to convince Mrs Grew to do what they want with crazy deals?
Gabby and Mahli
Which students know the sign to let Mrs Grew they need to go to the toilet?
Max and Ben
Which students is most likely to write a Book Review about Dragon Ball Z?
Which book does Mrs Grew read from MOST Tuesday mornings?
The Jesus Storybook Bible
Which students enjoying sketching or drawing while Mrs Grew is talking up the front?
Bailey, Olive, Bella
Which two people are champion baseball players on the weekend?
Tom and Levi
What character is most likely to come up in one of Jacob's PowerPoints?
How many people in 6R had a birthday this term?
What was the most popular Brain Break of the term?
Pac Man
Name the students who receive music tutoring while at school.
Phoebe, Emma and Kai
Which two people had a coke bottle explode on them during our Science experiment this term?
Isaac and Mrs Grew
Name one student who did their speech on a Pig the Pug book.
Mischa, William, Daniel, Levi
Name all the girls who go to Friday netball.
Mackenzie, Skylar, Emma, Kari, Indi and Olive
Which athlete members of the class, have had to be an champion about their knee injury?
Indi and Bella
Who is Mrs Grew mostly likely to ask for help with her spelling on Friday mornings?
Ben, Bella or Siri
Who is most likely to write a Book Review on the Wings of Fire Series?
JD or David