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2E 听写2+PEEShare

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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pōlěngshuǐ pour cold water, discourage
天气 干旱
tiānqì gānhàn Dry weather
消耗 体力
xiāohào tǐlì Physically extensive
价格 昂贵
jiàgé ángguì Expensive
任务 艰巨
rènwu jiānjù The task is enormous
资源 有限
zīyuán yǒuxiàn Limited resources
成功 因素
chénggōng yīnsù Success factors
丝毫 松懈
sīháo sōngxiè Slacken at all
空中 盘旋
kōngzhōng pánxuán Hovering in the air
jīngyànfēngfù Experienced
估计 会 下雨
gūjì huì xiàyǔ estimated that it will rain
失踪 不见
shīzōng bújiàn Missing
十分 愤怒
shífēn fènnù Very angry
凝望 窗口
níngwàng chuāngkǒu Gaze at the window
内心 愧疚
nèixīn kuìjiù Inner guilt
tiáopídǎodàn Naughty
不易 辨识
búyì biànshí Not easily recognizable
来回 穿梭
láihuí chuānsuō travel Back and forth
动作 敏捷
dòngzuò mǐnjié Agility
研究 科技
yánjiū kējì Research technology
拯救 地球
zhěngjiù dìqiú Save the planet