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2E 听写1+PEEShare

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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做人忠厚诚实是不会吃亏的,会得到人们的尊敬。做事要以诚为本,才会取得别人的信任 比如找错钱,还给人,生意兴旺
pèngdīngzi Hit the nails,suffer setbacks
踊跃 捐款
yǒngyuè juānkuǎn donate actively
惊讶 不已
jīngyà bùyǐ Shock
安抚 一下
ānfǔ yíxià Reassure you
严肃 批评
yánsù pīpíng Serious criticism
仓促 准备
cāngcù zhǔnbèi Hasty preparation
伺机 进攻
sìjī jìngōng Waiting for the opportunity to attack
让 人 懊恼
ràng rén àonǎo It's annoying, upset
nányǐqǐchǐ hard to start talking
孤单 寂寞
gūdān jìmò Lonely and lonely
jīngpílìjié exhausted
崇拜 偶像
chóngbài ǒuxiàng Worship idols
称赞 表扬
chēngzàn biǎoyáng Praise
关系 疏远
guānxi shūyuǎn Relationship estrangement
游戏 上瘾
yóuxì shàngyǐn Addictive to the game
监督 过程
jiāndū guòchéng Supervise the process
不妨 试试
bùfáng shìshì Try it
感到 委屈
gǎndào wěiqu Feeling aggrieved
叛逆 行为
bèipàn xíngwéi Rebellious behavior
xīqǔjiàoxun Learn from experience
yóuyùbùjué hesitate