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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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16. What is there?
A) There is a high volcano. B) There is a high mountain. C) There is a high lake.
15. What is there?.
A) There is a beautiful dolphin. B) There is a beautiful butterfly. C) There is a beautiful shark.
14. What are there?
A) There are famous butterfly. B) There are famous bird. C) There are famous monkey.
13. What is there?
A) There is a long river. B) There is a long waterfall. C) There is a long bridge.
12. What is there?
A) There is a national park. B) There is a national forest. C) There is a national mountain.
11. What is there?
A) There is a famous cow. B) There is a famous monkey. C) There is a famous horse.
10. What is there? .
A) There is a famous river. B) There is a famous waterfall. C) There is a famous beach
9. What are there?
A) There are spectacular cinemas. B) There are spectacular parks. C) There are spectacular hospitals.
8. What are there?
A) There are incredible butteflies. B) There are incredible parrots. C) There are incredible toucans.
7. What is there?
A) There is a dog. B) There is a fox. C) There is a cat.
6. What is there? .
A) There is a butterfly. B) There is an animal. C) There is a bird
5. what is there?
A) There is a beach. B) There is a cave. C) There is a waterfall.
4. What are there?
A) There are a lot of penguins. B) There are a lot of toucans. C) There are a lot of goats.
3. What are there?
A) There are 3 lakes. B) There are 3 rivers. C) There are 3 volcanoes.
2. What is there?
A) There is a famous lake. B) There is a famous waterfall. C) There is a famous park.
1. What is there?
A) There is a long river. B) There is a long beach. C) There is a long mountain.