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Adj + V.

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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give me 5 adjectives
what is modal verbs? please explain
Give me 3 phrasal verbs
She has always looked down on me. Which word is the action verb?
I feel the penny at the bottom of this pool. Which word is an action verb? 
"The baby was crying." Is it the intransitive verb or the transitive verb?
intransitive verb
Oscar will help Petra with the project. which word is action verb?
How many types of verbs, What are they?
3 types; action verbs, linking verbs and auxiliary verbs
Please specify how many words are possessive adjectives.
my, our, your, his, her, its, their
What is the present participle of the word "confuse"?
What is the past participle of the word "surprise"
Lisa, is this yours? From this sentence, Is it a demonstrative adjective or a demonstrative pronoun?
a demonstrative pronoun
"What product did you order from there?" From this sentence, Is it an interrogative adjective or an interrogative pronoun?
an interrogative adjective
That dress looks good on you. which word is linking verb?
We have much / many / some butter but we need more.
"I'll be ready in some / a few / little minutes", which quantifiers is correct?
a few
Use past participles to describe a noun.
Use a present participle to describe a noun.
Form the adjective "simple" to be comparative and superlative.
simpler - simplest
It smells gross in the locker room. From this sentence, which word is Adj?
Kent owns those surfboards. from this sentence, which word is Adj?