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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While on holidays if you hit the shops, what is that you are doing?
You are buying a lot of things at clothes shops.
Where do put your clothes for travelling?
When you finish buying something at a shop you head to the .......... where the cashier is waiting for you.
till or checkout
Money that employees receive for doing their job
The lottery, a competition, a board game... Are these things that you win or earn?
Where do you put the money that you are saving?
piggy bank
The place where you get souvenirs from is called...
gift shop
This is something that you wear when it is very cold and your hands are freezing
When you use bills and coins for paying something, we say that you pay in...
What is the name of the money used in other countries?
When you try on some clothes and their size is perfect for you, we say that they....
suit you
The place you go when you need to take a flight.
When you have a wedding or some formal event you have to................ for the occassion.
dress up
The money your parents give you each month or week.
You visit these places when you go on holidays as a tourist because they are the most important ones in the city or town.
The sights