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Grade 7 Semester Review

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Vocabulary: What does the word "shed" mean? (Another Place, Another Time)
a small house used for storing tools and other things
Vocabulary: What does the word "dew" mean?
small drops of water from condensation (usually in the morning)
Vocabulary: What does the word "cliff" mean?
a high and steep rock (usually facing the sea)
Vocabulary: What word means "to go get something and bring it back to someone"?
Vocabulary: What word means "Unending time, forever"?
Vocabulary: What word means "a ruler that is cruel and unreasonable"?
Sorry, Wrong Number: Mrs. Stevenson suffers from a disease called __________________.
Sorry, Wrong Number: Mrs. Stevenson could never reach her __________________ because the line was always busy.
Sorry, Wrong Number: The murderer would come at 11:15 because a __________________ would pass Mrs. Stevenson’s window and hide her screams.
__________________ are worn by actors to make them look real and fit a certain personality.
Sorry, Wrong Number: "Sorry, Wrong Number” is about a conversation overheard on the __________________.
Sorry, Wrong Number: The setting of "Sorry, Wrong Number” is __________________.
New York/ Mrs. Stevenson's bedroom
Sorry, Wrong Number: Mrs. Stevenson overheard a conversation about a __________________.
Sorry, Wrong Number: "Sorry, Wrong Number" was originally a __________________ written by Lucille Fletcher.
Sorry, Wrong Number: At the end of the play, Mrs. Stevenson has the operator on the line and then Duffy, but in the movie, who is she talking to before she is killed?
Her husband’s ex-girlfriend
Her father
Mr. Evans
Sorry, Wrong Number: Which of the following characters is in the movie but not in the play?
Mrs. Stevenson’s father
The operator
Mrs. Stevenson
Sorry, Wrong Number: Sorry, Wrong Number:
The train.
A vacuum cleaner.
An airfield.
Rush hour traffic.
Sorry, Wrong Number: Why can Mrs. Stevenson never get through to her husband?
The line is busy.
The line is dead.
Her husband is dead.
The killers are listening to her on the phone.
Sorry, Wrong Number: Where does Mr. Stevenson work?
Murray Hill.
The Plaza.
Henchley Hospital.
Sorry, Wrong Number: When does Mrs. Stevenson realize, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is the intended victim?
She hears the phone click.
She is told so by George before he kills her.
She gets a phone call telling her she is the intended victim
She hears the killer break in through a window.
Sorry, Wrong Number: What does Mrs. Stevenson overhear on the phone when trying to contact her husband?
A murder plot
A bank robbery plot
A burglary plot
Sorry, Wrong Number: From what disorder does Mrs. Stevenson suffer?
Sorry, Wrong Number: What does Duffy call the clues Mrs. Stevenson has given him?
Sorry, Wrong Number: Which of the following themes do not factor into the play?
Sorry, Wrong Number: "Sorry, Wrong Number" contains the element of suspense. Select the best definition for the word suspense.
severe drama between people, usually girls
the most exciting part of a story
growing tension and excitement
any type of conflict in a story
Another Place, Another Time: A sextant is an instrument used to?
Determine location.
Measure temperature.
Measure time.
Determine speed.
Another Place, Another Time: What is the theme of this story?
The power of a good imagination.
Be careful what you wish for.
A boy sees his father again.
Another Place, Another Time: What can you infer from the children staring at the hand car “as if to say, ‘Where have you been all my life?’”
They were excited about using it to go many places.
They were tired of walking and needed to get home.
They were worried about getting in trouble.
They were happy that they finally had a present.
Another Place, Another Time: What is the “switchyards” that Gilbert and his friends played in?
An old rail line that hasn’t been used in decades.
A football field
The name of the local park
An abandoned garden with many switches
Another Place, Another Time: What did it mean when Gilbert said making his father laugh was “like Christmas and his birthday and a day at the beach all rolled into one”?
Time travel’s slowly when Gilbert’s father is away.
Gilbert wants to go to the sea with his father.
Time goes by slowly when Gilbert plays in the ocean.
Gilbert’s father wants to come home very soon.
Another Place, Another Time: What bad news did the telegram bring?
Gilbert’s father is lost at sea, or dead.
Gilbert’s father cannot come home because he has a new job.
Gilbert’s father can only come home for a week.
Gilbert’s father is remarried and moved away.
Another Place, Another Time: Why is Gibert’s father away for most of the year?
He is an overseer of ships and cargo
He is a teacher in a foreign land.
He is in the navy and stationed in Africa
He enjoys taking trips around the world.
Another Place, Another Time: What reaction does Emmy have about the idea of time travel?
She thinks it's stupid at first, but she believes Gilbert
She is initially eager to learn more.
She is angry that Gilbert brought up the subject
She believes it at first, but then thinks he's joking
Another Place, Another Time: According to Gilbert, what did Albert Einstein prove?
that time is just another dimension like space
the existence of time and energy
the existence of negative numbers
that space traveling is possible
The People Could Fly: 8.What is the theme of this story?
All people should be treated with respect.
Listen to your elders.
Education is important.
People can fly
The People Could Fly: Folktales contain life lessons. What life lesson does this story contain?
Even in the worst circumstances, people can still feel hope.
Always listen to those in authority.
Always listen to your parents.
Bad circumstances always get better.
The People Could Fly: What characteristics of a folktale does this story contain?
It contains supernatural events and takes place in the past
It contains animals talking and a lesson learned
It has supernatural events and takes place in the future
It contains people talking in different languages.
The People Could Fly: How does the story live on?
The people who could not fly kept the story going
They made a movie about it.
The people who could fly wrote a book.
The people who could fly were interviewed on T.V.
The People Could Fly: How did Toby respond when the Overseer and the Driver tried to get him?
He laughed at them and it at helped his people fly away.
He turned around and ran down the street.
a.He laughed at them and called them names.
He grabbed a piece of lumber and threw it at them.
The People Could Fly: What happened just before Sarah flew away?
Toby said the magic words.
She said goodbye to her child.
The Master said goodbye to her.
The Overseer said the magic words.
The People Could Fly: Why is Sarah so desperate to leave?
She and her baby were subject to physical and mental abuse.
She wants to take care of her sick mother.
She wanted her children to live with their cousins.
She and her sister were subject to physical and mental abuse
The People Could Fly: Why did the people bring their wings on the ship?
The ship was too crowded.
The salt air would damage them
They couldn’t find them.
They were told to take them off before they boarded.
Among the Impostors: What teacher found Luke in the hallway?
Mr. Dirk
Mr. Hendricks
Mr .Harlow
Mr. Talbot
Among the Impostors: What was Luke looking for in his folder?
Mr. Talbot's phone number
His grades
Jen's phone number
His mother's phone number
Among the Impostors: How had all of the pictures of Lee Grant look like Luke?
A computer was used to change the pictures
He got them from his mother
He got them from his father
He got them from his school
Among the Impostors: Why doesn't Luke want to go to the new school?
He wants to help the children at his school.
He is still afraid to meet new people.
The school is located too far away.
Among the Impostors: What caused Jackal Boy to fall down the stairs?
Luke hit him with a book.
He tripped.
The railing broke off the wall.
Among the Impostors: How did Luke learn that Jackal Boy (Jason) worked for the population police?
Luke heard him talking on the phone.
Luke called Mr. Talbot who said his suspicions about Jason
Luke looked up Jason's record in the main office.
Among the Impostors: Why did Jackal Boy call the emergency outside meeting?
Luke was acting weird and more bold.
Jackal Boy was tired of cafeteria food.
Jackal Boy got caught cheating.
Among the Impostors: What clues was Luke "too blind" to understand?
The hall monitors were letting people sneak out.
The dirt is too hard to plant vegetables.
He can go home any time.
Among the Impostors: What is unusual about the structure of the school?
There are no windows.
It has only one floor.
The door only opens from the outside.
Among the Impostors: What is the main conflict in this novel?
Luke has to fit in at his new school and feel accepted.
Luke has to go to a new school.
Jackal Boy has to learn how to get along with Luke.
Rolly has to learn now to be nice to new people.
Among the Impostors: What nickname does Luke give to Jason.
Jackal Boy
Jaguar Boy
Freckle Face
Among the Impostors: What does Mr. Talbot mean by "blend in"?
Not to draw attention to himself
Tell everyone he is a third child
Stand out from the crowd
Make problems and run away
Among the Impostors: Why is Luke angry about the note?
He thought it would be the answer to everything
He isn't angry
It was just his fake name
He lost it
Among the Impostors: How did Luke get outside?
A door was open
He went through the window
His class went outside
He was kicked out
Among the Impostors: What is the difference between the food at school and at Luke's home?
Food at home is better
School food is better
School food is healthy
There was no food at home
Among the Impostors: What does the note that Mr. Talbot gave to Luke say?
The note says, "Blend in."
Among the Impostors: The word imposter is used in the title... Which of the following most closely describes what it means?
Someone who isn't who they say they are.
Someone who is learning about a new place.
Someone who is supposed to be legal.
Someone who is rich and tough.
Among the Impostors: What does Luke discover about his new roommate, Jason?
He is also a third child in hiding
He is secretly working for the Population Police
He is the leader of the Alliance
He has a twin brother named Jackal
Among the Impostors: Why does Luke Garner initially go to Hendricks School for Boys?
To escape the Population Police
To find his missing sister
To join a secret group known as the Alliance
To receive a better education
"Among the Impostors" explores themes of ________.
All of these
Friendship and loyalty
Freedom and rebellion
Among the Impostors: What do the members of the secret group at the school plan to do?
Start a rebellion against the government
Expose the truth about third children
Overthrow the Population Police
Escape to a safe place
Among the Impostors: What secret group does Luke discover at Hendricks School for Boys?
The Alliance
The Infiltrators
The Resistance
The Impostors
Among the Impostors: What is the purpose of the Population Police in the book?
To capture illegal third children
To enforce curfews
To promote education
To distribute food supplies
Among the Impostors: What is the main setting of the story?
Hendricks School for Boys
Population Police Headquarters
Grant family's farm
Barons' mansion
Among the Impostors: What is the main character's name in "Among the Impostors"?
Luke Garner
Lee Grant
Trey Sellers
Jen Talbot