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Grade 8 Final Exam

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What Is the Horror Genre?: A feeling of anticipation that something risky or dangerous is about to happen. It leaves the reader holding their breath and wanting more information.
What Is the Horror Genre?: The author's purpose for writing this literary criticism is to
define the horror genre
define the setting
express her hate for horror
define a summary
What Is the Horror Genre?: In horror stories, readers expect a strong connection between
story events and setting
story events and characters
setting and resolution
resolution and conflict
What Is the Horror Genre?: This is the most unlikely setting for a horror story
a bright beautiful park
a dark alley
a quiet home at night
a warehouse with no lights
What Is the Horror Genre?: Which word means a search?
What Is the Horror Genre?: What is a writing that analyzes a piece of literature?
Literary criticism
Argumentative essay
Expository essay
Informative essay
What Is the Horror Genre?: Who is the author of "What Is the Horror Genre?"
Sharon A. Russell
Edgar Allan Poe
Stephen King
J. K. Rowling
What Is the Horror Genre?: Russell (the author) states that horror stories do not have to include this...
Dead Poet Society: Mr. Keating told the boys to do what with the introductions of their books?
rip them out
read them aloud
memorize them
highlight them
Dead Poet Society: In "Dead Poet's Society", what is the first thing that Mr. Keating does upon first meeting the class that they are not used to?
He whistles and walks out the door.
He sits down at the desk and falls asleep.
He yells "Yawp".
He rips the pages out of the textbook.
Dead Poet Society: What does Oh Captain, My Captain refer to?
Poem about Abraham Lincoln
Boss of an ocean liner
Military officer
English teachers all over the world
Dead Poet Society: Why did Mr. Keating have his students climb up on their desks?
Give them a different perspective
To discipline them
For exercise because they were getting lazy
Playing a game
Dead Poet Society: What is the purpose of education according to Mr. Keating?
To think as individuals
Get students ready for university
Rules and regulations of life
Make students obey society's rules
Dead Poet Society: What did Mr. Keating want his students to call him?
Oh Captain, my Captain
Uncle John
Professor Keating
Mr. English Teacher
Dead Poet Society: What birthday present did Todd receive from his parents?
Desk Set
School uniform
Chess set
New radio
Dead Poet Society: How did Neil die in the movie?
Committed suicide
In a car accident
A heart attack
Assassinated by his roommate
Dead Poet Society: What is the Dead Poets Society and where did it meet?
A reading poetry club - old Indian cave
A sports club - gym
A history club - old Indian cave
A writing poetry club - old Indian cave
Dead Poet Society: What does "carpe diem" mean?
Seize the day - live extraordinary lives
Wish for the day - hope for the future
Work today - time is short
Look to the future - work for your hopes
Dead Poet Society: What happens whenever Neil tries to talk to his father?
His father never listens
His mother tells him to be quiet
A big argument occurs
His father agrees with his ideas
Dead Poet Society: What happens to Mr. Keating as a result of Neil's death?
Fired from his position
Promoted to head teacher
He quit and found a better job
Dead Poet Society: Dead Poets Society movie is about a(n):
English Teacher
Science Teacher
Math Teacher
History Teacher
Dead Poet Society: Neil purposefully...
starts acting
quits being coeditor of the school magazine
stops acting
goes against his parents
Dead Poet Society: Girls are usually not allowed at Welton but, ...
they can join the Dead Poets´cave meetings
they can come over for the dance lessons with the boys
they are allowed to participate in Mr Keating´s class
are invited to visit the drama club
Dead Poet Society: The Dead Poets Society is...
a club of students reciting poetry
a charity to help maintain dead poets´ verses
an old poetry club at Welton
an online website for creating poetry
Dead Poet Society: The story is set at...
at a boarding school
at a famous college
a private elementary school
a public school
What word means "something evil or harmful"?
Vocabulary: What word means " a piece of real estate or land"?
Vocabulary: What word means " to fight back or refuse something"?
Vocabulary: What word means " to develop or be the first one to use something"?
Vocabulary: What word means " to become unstable and fall slowly"?
Vocabulary: What does the word "intend" mean?
to plan
to start over
a plan or idea that is likely to be successful
Vocabulary: What does the word "assumption" mean?
something that us believed to be true
to continue being the same
a new idea, product, or process
Vocabulary: What does the word "misleading" mean?
to give the wrong idea, impression, or information
to be carried by something
one's ability to see or perceive something
Vocabulary: What does the word "embrace" mean?
to willingly adopt or support something
to continue being the same
to be carried by something
a loan taken out to receive property
Vocabulary: What word means "something that is important and can determine the success or failure of something"
Vocabulary: What word means "a new product, idea, or process"
Powwow At the End of the World: What is the main purpose of the powwow at the end of the world?
To celebrate Native American culture
To bid farewell to the world
To mourn the loss of traditions
To protest against injustice
Powwow At the End of the World: The poem suggests that despite the impending end of the world, ___________.
The Native American culture will endure
Humanity will find redemption through unity
The power of dance can bring about change
The speaker remains hopeful for the future
Powwow At the End of the World: Which of the following themes is explored in the poem?
All of these
Environmental destruction
Cultural identity
Loss and despair
Powwow At the End of the World: What is the tone of the poem?
Powwow At the End of the World: What is the significance of the "powwow at the end of the world" in the poem?
It represents the cultural resilience of the Native American
It is a metaphor for a political uprising
It symbolizes the end of the world
It signifies the loss of traditional customs
Powwow At the End of the World: What is the setting of the poem?
A reservation
A school
A country village
A city
Powwow At the End of the World: In "The Powwow at the End of the World," what is the main event taking place?
A powwow
A celebration
A protest
A traditional dance
What word means "to predict or expect something to come"?
What word means "a sitting room in a private house"?
What word means "wrinkled and dry due to old age"?
What word means "salary"?
What does "propel" mean?
To push, drive, or encourage other to do something
What does "practical" mean?
A plan or idea that is likely to be successful
Vocabulary: What word means "a loan that is taken out to receive property"?
What does the narrator say about his senses?
They've always been very strong.
They are dull.
They are bothersome.
They've been sharpened by disease.
How many times did the old man shriek?
three times
The Tell-Tale Heart: To whom is the narrator telling his story?
The readers
The old man
The narrator isn't telling the story.
The police
The Tell-Tale Heart: How was the man feeling at the opening of the story?
The Tell-Tale Heart: Where does the narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” murder the old man?
In his bedroom
In the shower
In the street
In the kitchen
The Tell-Tale Heart: How long does the narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” stalk his victim before killing him?
One week
Three days
One month
One year
The Tell-Tale Heart: At the start of the story, the narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” insists that he is nervous, but not ___.
The Tell-Tale Heart: The narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” explains that he wanted to kill the old man because the old man ___.
had a scary eye
Figurative language: The bells went RINGGGGG CLANGGGGG CLAGGG.
An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect, such as “My grandma is 900 years old!” is called:
It is called ______________ when an author sets mental pictures or images in the reader’s head using words that appeal to the five sense.
A figure of speech that uses “like” or “as” to compare to dissimilar things is called:
Sound words such as BANG, BAM, and BOING are examples of:
Identify the two types of figurative language: Your skin is as cold as ice!
Simile and hyperbole
Simile and symbol
Simile and personification
Simile and idiom
What type of figurative language: The fluffy bed felt as soft as a cloud.
What type of figurative language: She received the game ball proudly after her winning home run.
What type of figurative language: There are a million reasons why this is a bad idea!
What type of figurative language: The kids were wild monkeys today.
What type of figurative language: The child sneaked like a ninja past the sleeping dog.
What type of figurative language: Our conversation seemed to go on for days.
What type of figurative language: Life is such an exciting journey!
What type of figurative language: The teacher heard whispering and knew something was fishy.
What type of figurative language: The wrapped gift begged to be opened.
The Monkey's Paw: What fact about Mrs. White helps you predict what the second wish will be?
She is a loving mother.
She does not fear death.
She does not believe in the monkey's paw.
She is very angry.
The Monkey's Paw: At the end of the story, Mr. White is afraid that his son will...
Have a terrible appearance
Want to sell the paw
Give him nightmares
Hate him
The Monkey's Paw: What does the man from Maw and Meggins bring to the Whites?
Two hundred pounds
In “The Monkey's Paw,” which line spoken by Mr. White hints that the wishes can only change his life for the worse?
“It seems to me I've got all I want.”
“The things happened so naturally ….”
“There's no harm done, but it gave me a shock all the same."
“And what is there special about it?”
The Monkey's Paw: The man who originally owned the monkey’s paw made a third wish. What was his third wish?
To die
To go to India
To receive two-hundred pounds
For his son to be alive
The Monkey's Paw: What is another word used to refer to the monkey’s paw?
The Monkey's Paw: What are Mr. White and his son doing while waiting for Sergeant-Major Morris to arrive?
They're playing chess
The Monkey's Paw: Which line foreshadows what happens to Herbert?
“I don't see the money … and I bet I never shall.”
“Why, we're going to be rich, and famous, and happy.”
“If you only cleared the house, you'd be quite happy ….”
“I expect you'll find the cash tied up in a big bag ….”
The Monkey's Paw: How did Herbert feel about the paw at the beginning of the story?
He doesn’t believe it is magical.
He is afraid of it
He thinks it is evil.
He believes it will grant wishes.
The Monkey's Paw: What ca we infer about the fakir?
The fakir was correct in his belief about fate.
The fakir was a fraud/cheater.
The fakir wanted innocent people to die.
The fakir only imagined the power of the monkey’s paw and it
The Monkey's Paw: After making a wish, Mr. White swore the paw”
Changed size
Said something
The Monkey's Paw: Sergeant-Major Morris suggests to the Whites that the monkey’s paw brings
Good luck
The Monkey's Paw: In ''The Monkey's Paw'', how does the White family end up with the monkey's paw?
Sergeant-Major Morris brings it to the house.
The family found it in their home.
It appears in the fire.
A man from Herbert's work brings it to his parents.
The Monkey's Paw: What is this stories genre?
Comedy/ humor
New Immigrants Documentary: What is one purpose of the film?
to tell why students came to the United States
to share entertaining stories about students' lives
to persuade viewers to donate money to Newcomers
to express feelings about the importance of education
New Immigrants Documentary: What makes the students from St. Luke's different from those at Newcomers?
St. Luke's students were born in the United States.
St. Luke's students are experienced filmmakers.
St. Luke's students are learning to speak English
St. Luke's students live in New York.
New Immigrants Documentary: What do vou learn from students' video diaries?
what their lives were like in their birth countries
what they think of the students from St. Luke's
what they need to do to get a good job
what their parents think about life in the United States
New Immigrants Documentary: All of the students at Newcomers High School...
are recent immigrants to America.
want to become filmmakers.
will later attend St. Luke's.
plan to return to their birth country.
New Immigrants Documentary: The documentary shows...
St. Luke's students visit students at Newcomers High School
the advantages that immigrants experience.
the reasons St. Luke's is better than Newcomers High School
the steps to follow to make a video diary.
A Place to Call Home: What is “American exceptionalism”?
the idea that America is a unique country
the idea that Americans think they are superior
the policy of screening immigrants
the policy of accepting everyone
A Place to Call Home: Which visual features did the authors use to present their ideas?
A Place to Call Home: The authors suggest that recent immigrants telephone friends and relatives in their birth countries more often because
technology makes it easier and cheaper.
most are planning to return to their birth countries
they want to practice speaking English.
they are asking for money to pay expenses.
A Place to Call Home: Which of the following does the report say was surprising to many immigrants?
lt takes a lot of hard work to succeed in the United States.
There is little respect for American laws and customs.
Life in the U.S.A is a lot like what is shown in movies
They rarely see others from their birth countries.
A Place to Call Home: Research shows that most immigrants to the United States..
say they are happy with their decision
feel that they made a mistake in moving
want to try living in a different country
plan to return to their birth country