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The natural landscape behind the stage area was considered part of the globe theatre. True/ False
At the Globe Theatre, the poor stood at the _________________.
At the Globe Theatre, the rich sat at the _________________.
How would one know if there's a performance at the Globe Theatre?
A flag flying on a pole.
one difference between an Ancient Greek theatre and a 17th-century European theatre.
one similarity between an Ancient Greek theatre and a 17th-century European theatre.
Theatre in Europe began with the building of permanent theatre. True/ False
What is the name of the Danish collector who owned the Museum of Wormanium?
Ole Worm.
What is one effect of the early public museum?
Helped scientists and historians to increase their knowledge and understanding.
What are the items people collected in the cabinet of curiosity?
Art, rare and curious natural objects and ancient artifacts.
In Europe in the 16th century, wealthy families and individuals created private collections of interesting objects.
Cabinets of Curiosity/ Wunderkammer
A National Theatre was established in Egypt in 1870 by _________________________.
Ya’qub Sanu.
Marun al- Naqqash wrote the first Arabic plays in 1847. True/ False
____________________ were popular in many Ottoman Empire?
Shadow puppets.
What is the name of the ancient Greek theatre from the 4th century BCE?
Theatre of Epodarus.
What is the name of the ancient museum that was discovered in the city of Ur?
Ennigaldi-Nanna Museum.
The world's oldest museum was discovered in what year?
530 BCE
Who were Auguste and Louis Lumière?
Two French brothers who made some of the first films in the world.