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Super Minds 4 U 6 + 7 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If the adjective ends in y, but there is a vowel in front we don’t remove the y. True or flase?
All 2 or more syllable comparatives become more + _________. True or false?
In one syllable CVC adjectives the last letter is doubled to form comparative and superlative form. True or false?
Comparatives compare 3 or more nouns. True or false?
my sister/ family / young
My sister is the youngest person in my family.
this movie / that movie / boring
This movie is more boring than that movie.
The Burj Khalifa is the _____________ building in the world.
Steve is the ___________ person I know.
Which country is the ____________?
4 irregular adjectives in superlative form.
best worst furthest most
4 irregular adjectives in comparative form.
better worse further more
To make a superlative adjective word you must change the adjective to the superlative form. how do you do that?
Adjective + est
What are Superlative Adjectives?
Superlative adjectives are words used to compare the difference between 3 or more nouns.
To make a comparative word you must change the adjective to the comparative form. How do you do that?
adjective + er
What are Comparative Adjectives?
Comparative adjectives are words used to compare the difference between 2 nouns.
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
This is the house_____________my mom used to live when she was younger.
This is the person________helped me find my lost dog.
where is used for _____________.
which is used for ___________.
things and animals
who is used for _________.
What are the 3 relative pronouns.
Possessive pronoun: they =
Possessive pronoun: it =
Possessive pronoun: she =
Possessive pronoun: he =
Possessive pronoun: you =
Possessive pronoun: I =
For plural noun ending in s where does the ' go?
apostrophe after s
For singular person/thing where does the ' & S go?
noun + ' + s
A possessive ______________is an _________used in a noun to show that the noun owns something.
Third person pronouns
He she it they
first person pronouns:
I We
Why do we use third person?
Third person is when you are talking about someone to someone else.
Why do we use second person?
Second person is when we are talking to someone directly.
Why do we use first person pronouns?
First person pronouns are when you are talking about something that includes yourself.
What is a possessive pronoun?
A word that replaces a noun and shows ownership.
hair got short eyes brown i’ve and blue
I’ve got short brown hair and blue eyes.
What are the 2 reasons we use it looks like?
To talk about appearance of something or someone. To compare appearance.
does look what sister like your?
What does your sister look like?
What does a centaur look like?
It looks like a horse with a human upper body.
True or false: We use “looks like” when answering a comparison question.
True or false: We use “looks like” when answering the question.
Why do we use “it looks like” in grammar?
We use it looks like to talk about the appearance of someone of something.
It looks like is a ____________.