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finite non finite verbs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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correcting of papers is the priority during exam times. ( say whether the word 'correcting' is a GERUND or a PARTICIPLE)
Rain covered the horrifying Forest. ( identify the finite verb)
Swimming is a good excercise. ( identify the nonfinite verb and state its type) )
swimming, gerund
People like to gossip with friends. (identify the infinitive)
to gossip
I like to watch animated movies. ( identify the finite verb )
to watch
The boys must know to swim . (identify the infinitive )
to swim.
Singing is his pastime. ( say whether the word 'singing' is a GERUND or a PARTICIPLE)
We all enjoy eating ice cream in summers. ( say whether the word 'eating' is a GERUND or a PARTICIPLE)
I enjoy reading. (identify the nonfinite verb and state its type)
reading, gerund
She worked hard to pass the test. (pickout the infinitive)
to pass
The man working at MNC lives in Banglore. (pickout the nonfinite verb and identify its type)
working, Participle
She has to read the book by tomorrow. (identify the non finite verb)
to read, infinitives
Rohan and Sohan enjoys playing cricket. (pick out the non finte verb and state its kind)
playing, participle
rohan and sultan enjoys playing cricket.
My sister hates eggs. (pick out the verb and its type)
hates, finite verb
Parking is prohibited. (identify the word,'Parking' is a GERUND or a PARTICIPLE