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Simple present - Mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say? Ella tiene su propio carro
She has her own car
How do you say? Ella es su novia
She is his girlfriend
Find the mistake / This is an difficult exercise
This is a difficult exercise
Check the following sentence / He enjoy the food
He enjoys the food
Find the mistake - We has class at 6 pm
Has / We have class at 6 pm.
Find the mistake - He have a beautiful girlfriend
Have / He has a beautiful girlfriend
How do you say? - ¿Yo tengo 20 años de edad? as a question!
Am I twenty years old ?
Simple past / How do you say? Yo naci en .....
I was born in ....
Simple past / ¿Donde naciste?
Where was you born?
How do you say in English? / ¿Son ustedes Colombianos?
Are you Colombian?
What is the correct order? / am - seventy five - I - kilograms
I am seventy-five kilograms
How do you say? - Yo mido 1,85 m.
I am one point eighty five meters tall
He teach English / Which is the Mistake?
She study mathematics / Which is the mistake?
Do he do the homework? / What is the mistake?
They does not play soccer? / Which is the mistake?
What does she do? / What´s does on the sentence?
What is the short form of ARE?
She´s twenty years old / What is ´s on the sentence?
He´s blue eyes / What is ´s in the sentence?
Verb to be in present
Is - Are - Am
Which is the third person?
He - She - It