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Arizona Wh- question Game

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Arizona's state flower?
Saguaro Cactus Blossom
What was your favorite fact that you learned about Arizona?
What are popular foods in Arizona?
Tacos, fry bread, Mexican food
Where do most people in Arizona work?
Services, like restaurants!
What do tourists come to do in Arizona
Golf, hiking
What time of year do tourists come to Arizona
Winter, its not too hot
Why is the city of Tombstone famous?
It is historical, and still looks like the wild west!
What kind of animals live in the Arizona desert?
Roadrunners, sheep, javelina
What is Arizona's climate like?
Hot in the summer!
What is a canyon?
A narrow valley with steep sides, often with a stream