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ylc2 unit 5, skills, timezones 2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who can hear better, humans or horses?
Who can hear better?
The World Health Organization says: there are around 100 million/700 million/900 million/2 billion dogs in the world
900 million
The Wildlife conservation society says: there are around 1 million/5 million/1 billion/5 billion rats in the world.
5 billion!!
Overall, who can run a long distance faster?
the horse!
Who can swim faster?
the killer whale
Who can hold their breath longer?
the sea turtle!
What 8 legs, can walk up walls, and is sometimes kept as a pet?!
a spider!
Who can remember things for longer?
Horses can recognize faces - true or false?
What animal can be used to hunt or farm?
Name 2 animals that can run faster than humans.
Cheetah, cat, dog, lion, tiger, horse +
who can dive deeper?
the whale
who can jump higher?
the cat
Who sleeps less in a day?
the whale
who can jump higher cats or dogs?
What is an animal that uses echolocation?
bats/dolphins/some whales
What animal can jump upto 3M high?
a penguin