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1S Novel Class

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In Arthur's Off to School, Who brought Arthur his homework at the end of the story?
DW and his Dad
In Arthur's Off to School, what did Arthur forget at home?
His homework
In Arthur's Off to School, what was DW doing before school with Arthur?
Copying him
In Arthur's Off to School, what problem did Muffy have before school?
She was finding clothes to wear
In Arthur's Off to School, what was Francine doing before school?
Packing Sports Equipment for recess
In Arthur's Off to School, what did Binky do before school?
Working out
In Arthur's Off to School, what problem did Buster have before school?
He was too tired and needed to sleep
In Arthur's Off to School, what problem did The Brain have before school?
He lost his lizard
In Arthur and the Big Snow, What was Francine and friends doing?
Sledding and drinking hot chocolate.
In Arthur and the Big Snow, what did DW want to do instead of play in the snow?
Play board games or read books
In Arthur and the Big Snow, what did Arthur's dad give him at the end of the story?
A sled
In Arthur and the Big Snow, how did Arthur feel after Francine called?
Jealous / Sad
In Arthur and the Big Snow, what did Arthur and DW have to wait for?
The plow to clear the street.
In Arthur's Reading Race, name a person or place Arthur liked reading to/in.
School, DW, Pal
In Arthur's Reading Race, what sign did Arthur not read at the end of the story?
"Wet Paint"
In Arthur's Reading Race, What did Arthur promise DW if she won the challenge?
Ice Cream
In Arthur's Reading Race, What did Arthur promise DW if she won the challenge?
Ice Cream
In Arthur's Reading Race, how many words did DW need to read?
In Arthur's Homework, how many people did Arthur help?
In Arthur's Homework, was Francine's project about?
Model of the city
In Arthur's Homework, was The Brains project about?
Wind patterns
In Arthur's Homework, was Binky's project about?
History of the city
In Arthur's Homework, who did he have to help on Wednesday?
In Arthur's Homework, who did he have to help on Thursday?
In Arthur's Homework, who did he have to help on Tuesday?
In Arthur's Homework, who did he have to help on Monday?
The Brain