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3-D Shapes Review
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What is a vertex/vertices?
A point where 2 more more edges meet. (3 edges for 3-D shapes)
What is an edge of a 3-D shape?
An edge is a straight line where two faces meet and connects two vertices.
What is a 3-D shape?
A 3-D shape is a solid shape that shows 3 dimensions: length, width, and depth (height)
How many vertices does this 3-D shape have?
8 vertices
How many faces does this 3-D shape have?
6 faces
What is this shape?
What is this shape? Give 2 examples.
How many edges does this 3-D shape have?
12 edges
What is this shape?
How many edges does this 3-D shape have?
2 edges
What is the name of this 3-D shape? How many vertices does it have?
cylinder, 0
How many edges does this 3-D shape have?
1 edge
What is the name of this shape? How many faces does this 3-D shape have?
triangular prism; 5 faces
What is this shape?
What is this shape?
What is this shape?
What is this shape?
What is a face?
A face is a flat surface of a solid shape.
What are the three properties of a 3-D shape?
The shape's face, edges, and vertices