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BQ, Day 2, 11-17 yrs, Theme 4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith. Who am I?
Paul the Apostle (2 Timothy 4:7)
I am the father of James and John. Who am I?
I am the father of Japheth. Who am I?
Noah (Genesis 6:10 ESV)
I was furious at my donkey and struck her with my staff afterwards she spoke to me and surprisingly we had a conversation! Who am I?
Balaam (Numbers 22:27-29 ESV)
I despised my husband David in my heart. Who am I?
Michal the daughter of King Saul (2 Samuel 6:16 ESV)
I am the widow of Nabal and David’s wife. Who am I?
Abigail (1 Samuel 25 ESV)
I was Abraham’s Wife and I bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Who am I?
Keturah (Genesis 25:1-2 ESV)
I lied about my wife and introduced her as my Sister. Who am I?
Abraham (Genesis 20:2 ESV)
I walked through the shadow of the valley of death. Who am I?
David (Psalm 23:4a ESV)
I walked with God and was taken by God. Who am I?
Enoch (Genesis 5:24 ESV)
I was the first disciple of Jesus who was killed by Herod. Who am I?
James the Brother of John (Acts 12:2 ESV)
I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel. Who am I?
Apostle Paul (Acts 22:3 ESV)