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Geography review 4th grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the state of the Republic in which you live?
Estado Libre y Soberano de Jalisco
Distrito Federal
Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave
What is socioeconomic development?
Health, employment, education and housing indicators.
Goods and services produced in a country
Value Added Tax
What does a family use the money for each month?
Food, housing, transportation and education.
Clothes, makeup, jewelry and cars.
Cinema, popcorn, sweets, crepes and soda
What does Guadalajara produce?
Tequila agave, blueberry and raspberry.
Corn, beans, guava and oats.
Coffee, banana, papaya and mango
What kind of tourism is the Mayan archaeological zone Uxmal?
Cultural tourism
Beach tourism
They are examples of types of tourism...
Cultural tourism, ecotourism and adventure tourism
Hotel, Inn and bed and brekfast
Pesos, dollars, liras and quetzales
What does Monterrey produce?
Steel, glass and beer
Sugar, tobacco and cinnamon
Fishing and shellfish
What is tourism?
Travel for pleasure, lodging, services, entertainment, etc.
Leaving your place of residence to settle in another country
Travel by air and move from one point to another.
In what natural region does this animal live?
Coral reef
In what natural region do this animals live?
Coral Reef
Tropical forest
In what natural region does this animal live?
Temperate forest
They are Tundra Characteristics...
The weather is cold and windy, snow covered.
Shallow waters near the coast, with corals and rocks.
Aridity and the regularity of rainfall.
Characteristics of the temperate forest...
Full of evergreen trees, there are deer and bears.
With cacti and scrub, there are foxes, snakes and owls.
Treeless regions found in the Arctic
Characteristics of the tropical forest (rainforest)...
It rains in large amounts and temperatures remain constant
Arid climate with little rain, few animals
There are seaweeds, corals and arean
They are types of natural regions...
Tropical forest, desert, grassland, tundra and polar.
Fauna, flora and spring
Plain, mountains, valleys and hills.
What is a natural region?
Geographical areas with certain characteristics
Set of similar animals
Plants, crops and grains
What its a volcanic eruption?
Emanations of lava, ash and toxic gases
Water out of control
Strong winds and storms
What is a natural disaster?
A disaster caused by nature
A man-made disaster
A mess created by children
Our country borders to the west with...
Pacific ocean
Our country borders to the east with...
The Gulf of Mexico
Pacific ocean
Our country borders the south with...
Guatemala and Belize
Pacific ocean
Our country borders to the north with...
Gulf of Mexico