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BIG REVIEW - 6th grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the main characteristics of a tropical rainforest?
It is usually hot, humid, with tall trees, and lots of animals.
I have four mammals and three birds. How many pairs can I make containing 1 mammal and 1 bird?
I can make 12 pairs.
SUPER QUESTION: What are the steps of the water cycle, in order, starting from ice?
Melting, evaporation, condensation, and freezing.
Water contamination, air pollution and endangered animal species are examples of...?
They are examples of man-made disasters.
What habitat is usually hot during the day and very cold during the night?
The habitat is the desert.
Grains, products made from grains, bread, and pasta are food rich in....?
These types of food are rich in carbohydrates.
In which types of food can we find proteins?
We can find proteins in meat, eggs, and some dairy products.
SUPER QUESTION: What is the difference between nomadism and sedentism?
Nomadism is a way of life in which people move from house to house looking for supplies. Sedentism is a way of life in which people settle down.
Supermarkets, cinemas and restaurantes are example of what sector of the economy?
They are examples of the tertiary sector, responsible for dealing with the cosumer.
Name the 3 sectors of economy.
Primary sector, secondary sector, and tertiary sector.
Say 3 materials used to make Egyptian houses in the past.
Mud, straw, rocks/stones, sand, wood, bricks.
What are quadrilaterals?
They are polygons with four sides.
What are hydrophobic and hydrophilic mixes?
Hydrophobic substances are the ones that don't mix with water. Hydrophilic substances mix well with water.
SUPER QUESTION: What are polygons?
They are closed figures with at least 3 sides.
What's the name of a triangle with ALL SIDES EQUAL?
SUPER QUESTION: What are the sports played in the modern pentathlon?
Running, fencing, shooting, swimming and horseback riding,
This climate zone usually has cold temperatures and it's windy. What is it?
Temperate Zone
What is the name of the Zone where the temperature is hot?
Tropical Zone
List 5 things that make our mind active.
Listening to music, dancing, doing yoga, playing videogames, reading books.
List 5 activities that make our body healthy.
Playing sports, going swimming, dancing, doing pilates, going to the gym.