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BIG REVIEW - 7th grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of urbanisation?
It's the process of concentration of people in an area and the growth of the cities.
SUPER QUESTION: What are superbugs?
Bacteria that have grown resistant to antibiotics.
SUPER QUESTION: What is penicilin?
A type of antibacterial drug that can fight different kinds of bacterial infections.
Say 3 possible causes for the fall of the Ancient Empires.
Deforestation, land degradation, diseases, overpopulation, civil wars, draught, famine, overuse of the land
SUPER QUESTION: What are some examples of ancient innovations? Tell us at least 3
Chocolate, Pyramids, Anaesthetics, Apartment Blocks
What are the 5 human senses?
Sight, taste, hearing, smell, and touch.
What is the volume of a olympic swimming pool that is 50m long, 25m wide and 3m deep?
It's 3.750m³
How do you calculate the volume of a swimming pool?
You multiply its length, by its width and depth.
What is the area of a football pitch that is 105m long and 68m wide?
It's 7.140m²
How do you calculate the area of a basketball court?
You multiply the length by its width.
What is a leap year? Why does it happen?
A year that has one extra day. It happens because Earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun.
What are the 4 seasons of the year?
Summer, winter, spring, fall.
Tell the names of 5 winter sports
Curling, bobsleigh, figure skating, skeleton, snowboarding, ice hockey, skiing
SUPER QUESTION: In 1 minute, tell us why you think graffiti is not vandalism.
What are the 7 parts of the eye?
Sclera, iris, caruncle, pupil, eyelid, eyelashes, eyebrow
What is art repatriation?
When you give art pieces back to their country of origin.
SUPER QUESTION: What is a vanishing point?
It is used to create a notion of depth and realism in drawings.
What are the names of the angles you learned?
Acute, right, straight, obtuse, and reflex
What are the types of political regimes we learned?
Full democracy, flawed democracy, hibrid and authoritarian regimes
Tell the names of types of maps
Political, topographic, climatic, weather, road