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CS 20 Final Exam Review

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Name 1 proof of the Resurrection of Jesus
teacher discretion...too many to list
What Church did Martin Luther found (even though he did not want to)
The Lutheran Church
What is secularism
Removing God from everything
What does the word Theotokos mean and who does it refer to?
"Bearer of God" or "God bearer"//Mary
The pope and bishops in their roles as teachers of the faith is defined using THIS term?
What does "sanctify" mean?
To be made holy
True or False: Catholics worship Mary and the other saints in heaven
St, Peter was given THESE by Jesus to symbolize him receiving earthly authority from heaven
The keys to the kingdom
Who is a modern day successor of St. Peter?
The Pope (Pope Francis)
What is the mission of the Church?
To share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ
THIS is our FIRST and BEST teacher
The Family
True or False: Catholics and Protestants have the exact same Bible?
false. Catholic has 73 books. Protestants have 66 books
You cannot have the joy of an "Easter Sunday" experience without first having this?
The suffering of a "Good Friday"
The free and undeserved gift of God's mercy and love defines what term?
Martin Luther believed the Bible alone should be used NOT Sacred Tradition. This is called...
Sola Scriptura
Martin Luther instigated this major event
The Protestant Reformation
This word is used to describe the respect we give to the saints, it is not the same as worship
This term refers to Jesus being FULLY HUMAN and FULLY DIVINE
When Catholics participate in these (there are 7 of them) we are better able to accomplish the mission of the Church
The 7 Sacraments
Jesus gave us these as instructions on how to love out our love for others
The 8 Beatitudes
This person is known as the "First Disciple"
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be a _____ _______.
Suffering Servant
The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard remind us to treat others with equality or equity?
Jesus is MOST PRESENT to Catholics in what?
the Eucharist
Explain what Apostolic Succession is
the authority that Jesus first gave to Peter and the Apostles is passed down to their successors (pope and bishops)
Jesus going back to heaven forever defines which term?
Being saved from sin in order to go to heaven define which term
The suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus defines what term?
The Paschal Mystery
A solemn agreement where there are mutual commitments and a sacred bond is created
If this did not happen, Christianity is a waste of time
The Resurrection