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Primary 3 quiz!

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have claws and a hard shell. What am I?
a crab
One animal that has flippers?
penguin / dolphin / sea lion / fur seal / walrus
What sea animal has 8 legs and a big head?
What animal has a blowhole?
dolphin / whale
Three things you need when you go camping:
Examples: torch, tent, mobile phone, insect repellent, sun cream, boots, bandages,
If you break a leg, you should _________ .
call an ambulance
If you cut your finger, you should _______ .
put on a plaster / band aid
What does a police officer do?
prevents crimes / stops criminals / protects people and property
Put the words in order: "delivering / Thank you / my letters / for ."
Thank you for delivering my letters.
What does a postman do?
delivers letters
What does a dentist do?
fixes teeth
What does a doctor do?
helps sick people
Put the words in order: "play tennis / going / I'm / to / this weekend."
I'm going to play tennis this weekend.
What do we call this type of games?
What is happening on the image?
playing the guitar
What is happening on the image?
riding a bike
Complete the rule: "_________ before you cross the street."
Complete the sentence! A rule in a zoo: "Don't ..."
touch the animals / feed the animals / make lots of noise / bring long your pet
What do you call pain in your ear?
What do you call pain in your tooth?
What are the five senses?
see, smell, hear, touch, taste
We use our nose for ...
Put the words in the correct order: you / your hands / Do / before eating / wash / ?
Do you wash your hands before eating?
What was the topic of the first magazine?
"Fit and Healthy": body parts, exercise, healthy and unhealthy food
How many magazines did we have this year?