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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make SCIENCE an adverb
Make CHEMIST an adjective
Make WIDE a noun
It was a hot day, ... is something they hadn’t taken into account
.... being a keen cyclist, she is also an avid runner
.... he felt ill, he still went to school
She got angry with me. TEMPER
She lost her temper with me
It’s really not worth asking. POINT
There’s no point (in) asking
I have great respect for him. UP
I look up to him
I’ve started a new hobby. UP
I’ve taken up a new hobby
I’ve really hadn’t enough of studying! UP
I’m really fed up of studying
.... age ratings provided by broadcasters, the Internet means it is increasingly difficult to limit what young people watch
What might you want to get out of? A. Seeing relatives B. A bus C. A DVd
Seeing relatives
The waiter, .... eyes were a startling shade of blue, encouraged her to try the soup
...... knows that too much sugar bad for you
In the last few years, many people ..... started to work at home via the Internet
Complete with a preposition: I usually watch TV and do stuff online ..... the same time
Correct: let me give you an advice: don’t go on a travel
Let me give you some advice: don’t go on a trip
Correct: by this time next year I will taught since 20 years
By this time next year I will have taught for 20 years
Correct: he asked me where was the police station
He asked me where the police station was
What can go by slowly? A. Food B. Time C. Weather
If you come across something/someone, is it usually A. On purpose B. By accident C.on time
By accident
Correct: there are too much traffic in our town
There’s too much traffic
What might you want to cut down? A. Your hair B. Your car C. Your expenses
Your expenses