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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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do / What/ love/ of TV shows/ types/ watching/ you?
What types of TV shows do you love watching?
on the radio / listen / Paul and Tom/ prefer/ to/ to the news.
Paul and Tom prefer to listen to the news on the radio.
favourite/ hate/ We/ our/ missing/ show.
We hate missing our favourite show.
on the internet/ TV shows/ dislikes/ My/ mother/ watching.
My mother dislikes watching TV shows on the internet.
to/ new/ Melvin/ buy/ TV/ next week/ hopes/ a.
Melvin hopes to buy a new TV next week.
Josh stops _________ (smoke) when he doesn't feel well.
I try ________ (fix) the car
to fix
Woosen plans _______ (go) to Japan next year.
to go
I hate________ (clean) the kitchen
at night/ shows / watch/ I like/ reality/ to.
I like to watch reality shows at night.
The children finish _______(tidy) their bedrooms.
Frank and Sarah love ______ (play) guitar in the evening.
to play / playing
I learned ________ (drive) when I was 17.
to drive
We need __________ (study) a lot before the exam.
to study