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Design Elements Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which color of fire is hotter, red or blue?
Which color wavelength is the longest?
TRUE OR FALSE: The left side of the visible spectrum contains UV rays
Where is the retina located?
At the back of the eye
TRUE OR FALSE: Color Forecasting is the practice of predicting the colors and color stories that consumers will want to purchase in the near future.
What is the subtractive color mixing model.
What is the the additive color mixing model?
These are hues that have a large percentage of brown or gray,
These are hues that are made up of more than 65 percent white.
Pale Colors
These types of colors are created using pure pigment.
Bright Colors
TRUE OR FALSE: Red on blue is one of the least legible color combinations
A hue to which black has been added is called....
A hue to which white has been added is called…
Another name for color is called….
TRUE OR FALSE: In order to get Analogous colors you have to mix together one primary color and two colors adjacent to its complement.
FALSE: Split Complementary colors
Colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel and tend to be very bright and dynamic are called....
Triadic colors
Colors that are opposites on the color wheel are called…..
Complementary colors
Colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel are called…
Analogous colors
How many tertiary colors are there?
There are 6. RO, RV, BV, BG, YG, YO, RO
True or False: The secondary colors consist of: Purple, Orange, and Green.
What are the primary colors?
Red, Yellow and Blue
Who designed the color wheel?
Sir Isaac Newton
True or False "Color theory" is an art and design principle that encompasses the ideas, principles and applications of color. 
A ______________ composition is one in which all of the visual elements work together.  
This design element refers to the distribution of elements in a specific artwork or design.
This element in design refers to interval-repeating elements.
This design element is used specifically to talk about the arrangement of elements within an artwork.
_____________ refers to the area within a shape or the volume/mass within a form.
___________ refers to the size of one whole object in relation to another whole object.
a __________ is a repeated shape, form or visual motif.
This design element can be seen as well as felt;
____________ is the value of light and shade.
__________ refers to a three-dimensional object.
Space enclosed by a line is called a ___________
TRUE OR FALSE: a line is a series of shapes.
FALSE: It's a series of dots.
This design element can be considered the “beginning” of the elements