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Ladies Trivia Night Game 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Carrageenan, a slimy derivative of seaweed, is commonly used in which frozen food?
ice cream
Austin, Minnesota, is home to a museum dedicated to which globally popular canned meat product?
What is the dense uppermost layer of leaves of a rainforest called?
What Jabberwocky author used some of the same nonsense words in his epic 1876 poem, The Hunting of the Snark?
Lewis Carroll
What is a mix of a miniature schnauzer and a poodle called (besides "mutt")?
Which 1946 Jimmy Stewart holiday movie did the FBI suspect of promoting Communism?
It's a Wonderful Life
The epic 1974 boxing match that was dubbed "the Rumble in the Jungle" pitted Muhammed Ali against which opponent?
George Foreman
Half of the world's population lives on a staple diet of what grain?
From which Orwellian masterpiece did the phrase "Big Brother is watching you" originate?
What name is given to an Air Force plane specifically equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief?
Airforce One
What North American insect migrates up to 3,000 miles over the winter after going through three or four generations over the summer?
Monarch butterfly
What NFL quarterback was famous for the touchdown celebration known as "dabbing"?
Cam Newton
Which fastener did George de Mestral invent in 1948, after noticing that the burrs sticking to his dog had lots of tiny hooks?
What was Old Mother Hubbard searching for in the cupboard?
a bone
True or False- The United States invaded Canada during the War of 1812.
Which previously long-dormant volcano in Washington state erupted in 1980?
Mt. Saint Helens
Which sport includes trolling, jigging, and chumming?
What group of elements on the periodic table share a name with a type of light bulb?
According to The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, where is the fictional town of Springfield located?
Which French sea-faring explorer, photographer, and filmmaker is known as "the father of scuba diving"?
Jaques Cousteau
Which common vowel is the most-used letter in the English language?
Which 2004 tear-jerker that stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams ran into trouble when the stars didn't get along?
The Notebook
In what U.S. city are Cloud Gate, Holy Name Cathedral, Crown Fountain, and Magnificent Mile?
Called "the Moses of her people," who was voted to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill?
Harriet Tubman
True or False- real roadrunners can fly to escape chasing coyotes.
Which film's 40th anniversary celebration included a screening where viewers could watch the film from the relative comfort of a floating inner tube?
Which cosmetic gets its name from the Spanish or Italian word for "mask"?
Peanuts are categorized as which type of plant?
Which computer company was cofounded by Steve Wozniak in 1976?
Which renowned British author dreamed up such characters as Miss Havisham, Oliver Twist, and Tiny Tim?
Charles Dickens
Which national landmark did daredevil Evel Knievel hope to jump, but was prevented from doing so by the U.S. government?
Grand Canyon
The beehive, symbolizing industry and the pioneer virtues of thrift and perseverance, was adopted as official emblem of which state in 1959?
What are you afraid of if you suffer from acrophobia?
Which U.S. President nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to be the first female justice on the Supreme Court?
Ronald Reagan
Which bluesy singer got $7,500 for her Woodstock gig, wowing the crowd with "Piece of My Heart"?
Janis Joplin
In which London square are the four 20-foot-tall Landseer lions that tourists love to climb?
Trafalgar Square
In a box of Lucky Charms cereal, which color are the horseshoe marshmallows?
What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr. Potato Head
Which popular fruit's name comes from the Arabic word for "finger"?
Which significant department in the U.S. Federal Government was formed November 25, 2002?
Department of Homeland Security
What is the name of the neon glow emitted by an organism beneath the ocean's surface, similar to that of a firefly?
Which book introduced the world to fuzzy-footed characters Bilbo and Frodo in 1937?
The Hobbit
Which Law & Order: Special Victims Unit actor first gained attention as a successful, though controversial actor?
What "Science Guy," host of a popular PBS science show for kids, was a stand-up comic who once won a Steve Martin look-alike contest?
Bill Nye
In Dr. Suess's ABC, A is Aunt Annie's what?
Which U.S. president was head cheerleader during his senior year of high school at Phillips Academy?
George W. Bush
Which country boasts the biggest barrier reef of corals in the world?
Which of the five senses is evaluated with the help of a Snellen chart?
Which U.S. city's downtown was destroyed in a great fire in 1871, which started in the barn of Kate O'Leary?
With 53 confirmed moons and 9 unconfirmed, which planet has the most confirmed moons in our solar system?
What artist with a gangrenous leg had her bed moved right into the gallery, in 1953?
Frida Kahlo