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B1 / Block 1 / Error correction

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I was a kid I would be a dancer.
When I was a kid I USED TO be a dancer.
Make sure that you need to do it.
Make sure you do it.
It's worth to buy this ticket.
It's worth to buying this ticket.
Welcome to McDonalds! What can I __________ you today?
In my childhood my parent didn't let me to eat a lot of chocolate.
In my childhood my parent didn't let me eat a lot of chocolate.
Thanks for inviting, but opera is not my cup of ___________.
My boyfriend doesn’t let me to leave tips!
My boyfriend doesn’t let me leave tips!
I suggest you ____ in this hotel as it definitely is a good value for money!
to staying
I adore Woody Allan movies! They are usually set __ Paris and soaked with its romantic atmosphere!
You will definitely benefit by visiting different speaking clubs.
You will definitely benefit FROM visiting different speaking clubs.
I don't feel like go abroad this year.
I don't feel like goING abroad this year.
I suggest we going to the party.
I suggest we GO to the party.
Don't be a chicken! Just ask her up to a fancy restaurant or I will!
Don't be a chicken! Just ask her OUT to a fancy restaurant or I will!
If you need to get to Green Forest, you have to get on the bus 119 at the corner and get ___ Sumska Street.
If you buy clothes online, you’ll find a lot of good quality items at a good ______ price .
in advance
Do you have 50 UAH? I want to leave a ___ for a waiter.
- Are you going out with her??? - C'mon, she is just an _______, I see her sometimes in a gym.
Choose the correct missing word: acquaintance / scoop
Two weeks before New Year all malls are _______ with shoppers as everyone wants to get the best presents for their nearest and dearest!
Choose the correct missing word: acquaintance / crowded
I don't feel like to cook dinner.
I don't feel like COOKING dinner.
When I was a kid I would start learn English in the 1st grade.
When I was a kid I STARTED learning English in the 1st grade.
It will rains tomorrow.
It will rain tomorrow.