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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He / not / live / in Berlin.
He hasn't lived in Berlin.
You / not / study / French / Dec 2015.
You haven't studied French since Dec 2015.
They / not / be / in London / 6 months.
They haven't been in London for 6 months.
I / not / know / him / three years.
I haven't known him for 3 years.
Tom / not / visit / St. Paul's
Tom hasn't visited St.Paul's.
She / not / see / The Lord of the Rings.
She hasn't seen The lord of the rings.
We / never / try / roller-skating.
We have never tried roller-skating.
I / never / meet / his mother.
I have never met his mother.
Lucy / never / cook / breakfast .
Lucy has never cooked breakfast.
She / go / to Peru / several times.
She has gone to Peru several times.
He / ever / drink / too much coffee
He has ever drunk too much coffee.
We / be / here / two weeks
We have been here for 2 weeks.
You / know / David / ten years?
Have you known David for ten years?
He / live / here / three years.
He has lived here for 3 years.
We / never / read / that book / before.
We have never read that book before.
They / go / to Scotland / twice.
They have gone to Scotland twice.
She / never / eat / octopus.
She has never eaten octopus.
I / study / French / I was 8.
I have studied French since I was 8.