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High Flyers F Unit 2 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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........... do you go to the park? I go to the park every Sunday.
How often
What game can we play this weekend?
Frisbee chase
Mels and Daisy love to collect shells because they love going to the beach. Fleet likes to play the piano on Sunday. Elise doesn't like playing the piano but she makes models every weekend. When does Elise make models?
She makes models every weekend.
Mels and Daisy love to collect shells because they love going to the beach. Fleet likes to play the piano on Sunday. Elise doesn't like playing the piano but she makes models every weekend. What does Fleet like to do?
Fleet likes to play the piano on Sunday
Mels and Daisy love to collect shells because they love going to the beach. Fleet likes to play the piano on Sunday. Elise doesn't like playing the piano but she makes models every weekend. Who loves collecting shells?
Mels and Daisy
Mels and Daisy love to collect shells because they love going to the beach. Fleet likes to play the piano on Sunday. Elise doesn't like playing the piano but she makes models every weekend. Who doesn't like playing the piano?
When it ....... (rain/ rains), I can't fly my kite in the park.
...... shells. (play, listen, make, fly)
...... to music.(play, listen, make, fly)
On Sunday, I ____ (take / takes) photos in the park.
Boy ____ (go/ goes) to school from Monday to Friday.
Marleen ______ (collect/ collects) coins in the summer.
Marleen collects coins in the summer.
Unscramble this question! often/ How/ your/ kite/ do/ you/ fly/ ?
How often do you fly your kite?
When do you play the guitar? Answer: (Sometimes/ Monday)
I sometimes play the guitar every Monday.
What do you like to do?
I like to collect stamps.
Choose the correct answer! _____ the flute. (play, collect, or fly)
play the flute.
What do you like to do? I sometimes like to _________ every Sunday.
I sometimes like to play the violin every Sundays.