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Animals and their food

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cats eat ______
Squirrels eat ______
Lions _______ meat, but they _______ grass
eat/ don't eat
Name a mammal that can fly
Name a farm animal that gives us milk
Cow, Goat, Sheep
Name an insect
Spider, Fly, Bee, Wasp, Ant
Name an animal that lives in the desert
Name an animal that lives in the sea
Name a type of monkey
Gorilla, Chimp, Orangutan
Name an animal that gives us honey
Name an animal that eats bugs
Frog, Bird
Name an animal that hasn't got arms or legs
Name a bird that CAN'T fly
Ostrich, Emu, Kiwi, Penguin
Name a bird that can talk
Crocodiles ________ meat, they __________ fruits
eat / don't eat
Name an animal that eats leaves
giraffe, koala, panda, camel
The biggest animal in the world
Name a type of snake
Cobra, Python, Anaconda, Mamba
What do penguins eat?
Name an animal that lives in the jungle
monkey, tiger, jaguar, snake
Name a farm animal that gives us eggs
Sharks _______ grass, they ______ meat
don't eat / eat
Name a bird that eats meat
eagle, hawk
Name three cats that eat meat
lion, tiger, cheetah, panther, leopard, cougar
Name two farm animals that eat grass
cow, horse, sheep, goat