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JS5 U34 - Day 24 - Grammar Review 01

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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By next year the students will have studied the passive.
By next year the passive will have been studied by the students.
A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.
The computer will be repaired tomorrow.
I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.
All the windows had been cleaned before the storm.
Somebody has drunk all the milk. (Passive)
All the milk has been drunk.
At six, someone was telling a story. (Passive)
At six, a story was being told.
The wolf ate the princess. (Passive)
The princess was eaten by the wolf.
They are building a new stadium near the station. (Passive)
A new stadium is being built near the station.
Everybody loves Mr. Brown. (Passive)
Mr. Brown is loved by everybody.
I (visit) my parents at the weekend. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
I am visiting my parents at the weekend.
Look! The baby (fall). (BE GOING TO)
Look! The baby is going to fall.
They (come) for a meal tonight. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
They are coming for a meal tonight.
I am sure you (not/fail) the exam next week. (WILL)
I am sure you will not fail the exam next week.
What time (you/leave) tomorrow? (BE GOING TO)
What time are you leaving tomorrow?
Perhaps I (visit) New York one day. (WILL)
Perhaps I will visit New York one day.
I think it (snow) soon. (WILL)
I think it will snow soon.
Tony (meet) a friend tomorrow. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
Tony is meeting a friend tomorrow.